Saturday, February 7, 2015

Widget Downloads

Widgetop offers these downloads free of charge.

Dashboard Widgets

System requirements

YourMinis Widget Template

Use this Widget Template to quickly convert any YourMinis widget into a Dashboard widget:

System requirements

Google Gadget Widget Template

Use this Widget Template to quickly convert any Google Gadget into a Dashboard widget:

System requirements


This widget helps to calculate the sunrise and sunset times for each location in world on each day of the year. Enjoy planning your next holiday, trip or photo session where ever and when ever you want to go. Just click on the location on the map on backside, choose date and timezone and optionally add 1 hour daylight saving.

Don't miss the iPhone version:
Available in the App Store
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Do you ask yourself sometimes, where in the world is this country? This widget shows each country of the world on the map. Either select it from the list or jump around randomly.

Don't miss the iPhone version:
Available in the App Store
or test your skills with Country Quiz:
Available in the App Store
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Retrieve the synonym for every word. If available you will get antonyms, related terms, similar word and user suggestions too. Tap one of the results to start a quick new search for that term. As well it keeps a history list of your search terms. Thesaurus service provided

Don't miss the iPhone version:
Available in the App Store
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Do you ask yourself sometimes, where in the USA is this state? This widget shows each state of the USA on the map. Either select it from the list or jump around randomly.

Don't miss the iPhone version:
Available in the App Store
or test your skills with State Quiz:
Available in the App Store
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Photo Finder

Get inspired by finding out what photos others have shot on a certain location. Adjust the map to the area you want and get the most popular or most recent photos from Panoramio. You can put this application as a widget on your website from

Don't miss the iPhone version
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This widgets displays slide shows from images in RSS feeds. Either select the most recent feed from Flickr orPhotobucket or enter your own feed URL. The feed can parameterized by using %s in the URL which will be replaced by the tags from the front side.

Don't miss the iPhone version
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Language Translator

Translates any text between different languages using Googles language translation service. It can even detect the source language.
Please Update: Google changed its language translation service. It's no longer free. In order to keep the popular widget working we are willing to cover the cost of 33000 translated characters per day. You need to download the latest version in order to keep using it.

Don't miss the iPhone version
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Widgetop Widgets

See which widgets are hot, new, updated or have been featured on Widgetop. See their screenshots or add them directly to the Widgetop desktop.
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iPhone Apps

Get the latest iPhone and iPod Touch applications fromApples directory. See them all or filter by category.

Don't miss the iPhone version at
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Add values until you reach the predefined limit. Use it e.g. to check your the daily calories you eat, your weight or your expenses.

Don't miss the iPhone version:
Available in the App Store
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Listen to your favourite music from Choose your personal radio stream either by artist or tag.
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Webcams Widget

Now you can stay in touch with your home, famous places of the world, the current traffic conditions and much more by watching your favorite web cameras. This widget makes it easy to monitor web images which are continuously updated (like web cam pictures). It can update the images periodically. The images don't have to be produced by web cams. You can monitor any image which is updated over time like weather radars, traffic maps and so on.

Please check WorldWatchr for more.

Don't miss the iPhone version:
Available in the App Store
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SpeedyMarks Widget

This widget lets you create visual bookmarks for your favourite websites.

Please check SpeedyMarks for more.
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Day Widget

Simple but effective daily calendar in a large and small size. Never miss again todays date and lookup dates in the past and the future.

Don't miss the iPhone version:
Available in the App Store
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YourMinis Widget

Use any YourMini widget on your Dashboard. Go to theYourMinis Directory, find the widget you want, copy its embed code to the box on the widgets backside, turn back and you are done.
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Globe 3D

Every desktop needs a globe and so does your dashboard. This globe shows the earth in 3D. In addition you can see the moon, the sun and all other planets.
The globe is provided by Poly9 FreeEarth.
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Picasa Web Album

Displays slide shows from public and private Picasa Web Albums. Just enter the Picasa album URL on the backside. You can change the size and background color of the widget.
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Web Checker

Do you find yourself checking the same web sites all over again and again for new and updated content? Then this widget is for you. It checks the content of a web page periodically and throws an alarm when it has changed. Instead of complete pages it can check just subsections too.
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Web Monitor

Monitors your servers or any other web site. The widget checks the response time periodically with a HTTP HEADrequest which doesn't put much impact on the server. It shows a response time chart, response time statistics and has an error log where you can see when and why requests to the server failed.

Don't miss the iPhone version:
Available in the App Store
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The mother of all countdown widgets. Set date and time of the event and it shows the time left. In addition to single events the counter can be repeated daily, weekly, monthy or yearly which advances automatically when the alert goes off. It's the perfect widget for reminders on single events, lunchbreaks, weekends, paying your monthly bills or birthdays and holidays.

Please check Countdownr for more.

Don't miss the iPhone version:
Available in the App Store
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Calendar Countdown

Countdown widget which shows the upcoming events from any Google Calendar. Any public and private calendar can be the source for this counter. It advances automatically to the next event after each alert.

Please check Countdownr for more.

Don't miss the iPhone version:
Available in the App Store
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World Clock

A Digital World Clock with sunrise and sunset times. Select your location and timezone and enjoy the animated sky background. Click the location title to see a demo. Click the time to switch between 12/24 hour display. Click the info to flip between date, sunrise/sunset and timezone.

Please check WorldClockr for more.

Don't miss the iPhone version:
Available in the App Store
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Google Logo

Did you see the special Google logos on certain days? This widgets let's you watch the current logo so you will never miss one again.
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BasketBall Game Widget

Shoot at the hoop for a quick game of basketball.

Don't miss the iPhone version:
Available in the App Store
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Google Gadget Widget

Use every Universal Google Gadget on your Dashboard. Go to the Google Gadget Directory, find the Gagdet you want, press the 'Add to your webpage' button and then press 'Get the source' button to reveal the widgets src code. Copy just the src code (omitting the outer script tags) and then apply layout settings to the widgets backside
Screenshot Backside
This widget was created with Widgetops Google Gadget Widget Template.
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YourMinis Widget Template

Create your own Dashboard widget out of any YourMinis widget. Go to the YourMinis Directory, find the widget you want, and copy it's code snippet to the widgetsyourminis.js file.
Please see the developerGuide.html which comes with the widget for more details.


You are free to modify and redistribute the generated widget, but you must keep the 'Generated with Widgetop's YourMinis Template' message on the back of the widget.

Google Gadget Widget Template

Create your own Dashboard widget out of any Universal Google Gadget. Go to the Google Gadget Directory, find the Gagdet you want, and copy it's URL to the widgetsgadget.js file.
Please see the developerGuide.html which comes with the widget for more details and the Examples.


You are free to modify and redistribute the generated widget, but you must keep the 'Generated with Widgetop's Google Gadget Template' message on the back of the widget.

Converted Google Gadget Widgets

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